Rahul Mahanot

Hello, I am Rahul Mahanot, SRE and a Linux enthusiast. I grew up chasing chickens in Guwahati city in India, aspiring to be a pilot looking at the airplanes flying over me. I spend my free time reading, writing, a bit of programming and traveling around exploring the wild and unknown places.

I'm an Electronics and Communication graduate and a designer in love with photography and discovering new worlds and cultures. I'm best reached by email. I love meeting new people, and am always open to collaboration.
To know a little more about the human side of me go here


Apple : I am working as an Emotional Support Engineer at Apple since Dec 2022. (That's another term for SRE, a friend of mine came up with.)
Media.net : I worked at Media.net from 2020 to 2022

What I'm working on

  • Playing with Linux most of the time.
  • ✍️I love writing. I plan to populate this site with more technical and non-technical writings. Check out the blog.
  • Most of my technical work is on Github. Some of my other projects are:
    • Mysocks: A python package to chat and easily transfer files between computers using socket programming
    • Emotion recognition from speech signals: This is my Bachelor's thesis project.



