Hi again! 🙋‍‍
I have been working from my new home - London since the end of 2022. Before then, I was working from home in India. Before covid was even there, I was slacking off at IIT Bhubaneswar where I titrated chemicals, found values of x's and y's and multiplied lots of matrices.

Even before that, I spent 16 years of my life in Guwahati, India (look it up!), but if you compliment me with "your English is very good", you will get the response "thanks; so is yours".

My story (in GoT style)
App Developer and researcher of the house Linux, the first to be blamed, the Breaker of Loops, king of the commands and terminal, the Code Debugger, Protector of the Global Namespace and Logger of Bugs.

Here are some other things of interest, in no particular order :

  • I'm a big fan of Twenty One Pilots. My fav song of all time is Nico and the Niners.
  • One thing I'm passionate about is improving the quality of political discourse. I believe that debates are necessary in a healthy democracy, however, I also think that debates don't lead to fruition because people easily feel threatened by disagreement.
  • I'm an avid reader. I love the smell of new books, I mean who doesn't right? I'm mostly into sci-fi and dystopian genres, although I sometimes also do read romantic novels. My all time favorite is The Three Body problem by Liu Cixin.
  • I sometimes also happen to write short stories and poems. You can read my writings here
  • I am colorblind. Yeah completing my engineering especially in electronics being a colorblind trying to identify the value of resistors from the colors on it was really painful.

Follow me on social media

I'm best reached by email. I love meeting new people, and am always open to collaboration. If you are in London, coffee is on me, no questions asked.